StackExchange has been sold

The StackExchange network by Stack Overflow Inc., has been sold to Prosus for 1.8 billion dollars. That includes the TeX Stack Exchange Q&A site aka TeX.SE. Prosus is a technology investor and holding company that already owns some learning sites such as Udemy, Codecadamy, and Brainly (“Your 24/7 homework helper”). After $153 Million funding, hiring a former investment banker to lead the company, several round of layoffs, community moderators leaving, becoming more efficient by standardizing site designs, exiting rumours, it was not surprising. Official communication and Joel Spolskys announcement say “business as usual” and that it would operate in the same way. Like, nothing to see here.

There are also not-for-profit (La)TeX Q&A sites and forums, supported by TeX user groups and especially DANTE, such as:,,, and