In this short paper, we will discover a new perspective of using gnuplot within our TeX documents through the gnuplottex
package or directly from your compilation workflow. This task is eased by the use of arara
, a TeX automation tool.
This article is available for reading and for download in pdf format.
1. Prologue
It’s been a while since I used gnuplot
for the first time. My friend and I were playing with a program to generate lottery numbers based on a huge amount of data from the Brazilian lottery history. At the end of the day, we had to plot all data we had collected; someone suggested gnuplot
. I was shocked: with two or three lines of code, the plot was generated, with an astounding quality.
At some point, in academia or market, we need to deal with plotting. It’s a very useful artifact, either for illustrating your research paper, or when presenting the profit increase in a meeting with your boss. Numbers are an abstract concept, plots are a concrete representation of them! How does one plot data? For us TeXers, we have several options. Recently, the emerging and powerful TikZ/pgf packages are widely used for this purpose. I myself use them once in a while, but sometimes I think the brave gnuplot
– my first successful plotting experience – should also be remembered.
Either with the very own gnuplot
program via \write18
or using the cool gnuplottex
package, we need to enable TeX to make external calls. It’s a known fact that relying on external tools from TeX requires for us to enable the shell-escape
feature. In my humble opinion, we can’t take the risk of making it a global change – think of a “harmless” document which calls the line in this post on On the other hand, it might be boring to set up a certain profile every time you need this feature.
can output to several formats, including eps, an acronym of Encapsulated PostScript. If we include an .eps
image in our TeX document and compile it with pdflatex
, thanks to the restricted list of allowed external tools, the image will be converted to .pdf
beforehand without any trouble. Sadly, if you have a very restricted environment or if the policy is to disable every external call – say, with --no-shell-escape
– the conversion won’t be possible and thus the document compilation will fail. You will need to rely on the latex
-> dvips
-> ps2pdf
compilation chain in order to get a proper pdf file. Writing a Makefile might help in Linux and Mac, but Windows users might have troubles. Worse, .bat
files might not be the best approach in this case.
In order to ease the compilation workflow, and heavily inspired by the existing programs, I decided to write my own automation tool. The result of this adventure is arara
, a “personal assistant” written for the sole purpose of enhancing the TeX experience. Apologies for tooting my own horn, but I really hope you enjoy arara
the same way I do. Let the fun begin.
2. The bird takes flight
Arara is the Brazilian name of a macaw bird. Have you ever watched the movie Rio? The protagonist is a blue arara, or as we say in Brazil, a cute ararinha-azul. The word arara comes from the Tupian word a’rara, which means big bird.
The parrot belongs to the same family of the arara. Have you ever talked to a parrot? They are able to learn and reproduce words. Maybe I could establish an analogy between arara
– the software – and a parrot. Let’s see how it works.
is a TeX automation tool. But maybe not in the traditional sense, such as existing tools like latexmk
and rubber
. As I said in the previous section, think of arara
as a personal assistant. It is as powerful as you want it to be. How do you make a parrot talk? You need to teach it. The very same way happens with arara
: the software will execute what you tell it to execute. How will arara
do this? Easy: you need to teach it.
How would you compile a sample mydoc.tex
in rubber, for instance? It’s quite easy, a simple rubber --pdf mydoc
would do the trick. Now, if you try arara mydoc
, I’m afraid nothing will be generated; arara
doesn’t know what to do with your file. You need to tell it.
Long story short: you are in control of your documents. arara
won’t do anything unless you teach it how to do a task and explicitly tell it to execute the task. How can I teach arara
to do a task? Not with a cookie, but defining rules. Once arara
knows how to do stuff, you can easily tell it to execute a certain task by using directives.
I don’t want to make this paper a boring introduction to arara
, so I invite the reader to take a look in the user manual. I’m currently working in the new 2.0 version with some enhancements and – hopefully – a universal installer. The manual might be outdated, but the concepts are basically the same. I’ll update it too as soon as possible.
3. Plotting
First of all, let’s try a simple example with the gnuplottex
package. Consider the Code 3.1 for our first TeX document. The gnuplot code is extracted from the official documentation. Run with pdflatex mydoc
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{gnuplottex} \begin{document} \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pdf] set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{gnuplot} \end{document}
Code 3.1 Our first example with gnuplottex
Certainly we will get the warning shown in Code 3.2.
Package gnuplottex Warning: Please convert mydoc-gnuplottex-fig1.gnuplot manually.
Code 3.2 Warning from the gnuplottex
What does the warning mean? gnuplottex
relies on the shell-escape
feature in order to make the external call to gnuplot
, create the plot and include it, according to the terminal output we set in the gnuplot
environment (in our example, we used the pdf option, which will obviously generate a .pdf
Note that there is a file named mydoc-gnuplottex-fig1.gnuplot
in the same folder of our .tex
document. The content is actually the body of the gnuplot
environment of our code (lines 8, 9 and 10 from Code 3.1). For every gnuplot
environment in our .tex
document, gnuplottex
will write a file and then call gnuplot
on it.
Let’s now fix our compilation by running pdflatex --shell-escape mydoc
. Our new file mydoc.pdf
will now contain a lovely plot produced by gnuplot
, invoked under the hood by gnuplottex
(Figure 1).

Figure 1 The generated plot
has several output formats, such as PostScript, emf, svg, pdf, and png. For instance, let’s suppose we want to use PSTricks now instead of the pdf output (line 7 of Code 3.1). In order to achieve this, we have to replace pdf by pstricks in line 7, and add \usepackage{pstricks}
to our document preamble. The new version is presented in Code 3.3.
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{gnuplottex} \begin{document} \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pstricks] set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{gnuplot} \end{document}
Code 3.3 Our example with PSTricks
How should we compile our new version of mydoc.tex
? Surely, pdflatex
as it is will fail. Of course, xelatex --shell-escape mydoc
works like a charm, but we do love going the complicated way, don’t we? Then we have to rely on the latex
-> dvips
-> ps2pdf
compilation chain. in other words, we will have to execute the programs presented in Code 3.4 in the correct order.
$ latex --shell-escape mydoc $ dvips mydoc.dvi $ ps2pdf
Code 3.4 Compilation chain for our example with \texttt{pstricks}.
It’s still too easy. What if we write our own myplot.gnu
file with the plotting instructions (lines 8, 9 and 10 from Code 3.1) and call gnuplot
on our file from our .tex
document? Code 3.5 presents a new version of our example with our new requirements.
\begin{filecontents*}{myplot.gnu} set terminal pdf set output 'myplot.pdf' set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{filecontents*} \immediate\write18{gnuplot myplot.gnu} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \includegraphics{myplot} \end{document}
Code 3.5 Our example now calling gnuplot
We need to run pdflatex --shell-escape mydoc
in order to work. What is happening in Code 3.5? First, a new file myplot.gnu
is written to the filesystem; then there’s an external call to gnuplot
passing the newly created file as parameter (line 9); since we defined the output to a file named myplot.pdf
(line 3), this file will be generated from gnuplot
; in the last step, the .pdf
file previously generated will be included in our document (line 14).
We can also output a PSTricks code insted of pdf file, similarly to what we did in Code 3.3. Instead of myplot.pdf
, we would have myplot.tex
, full of PSTricks commands. Of course, \usepackage{pstricks}
is required.
Bird seeds
I think it’s now time to play with arara
. But before we proceed to our examples, we should create our rules. arara
doesn’t do anything without its rules. That means you must write your own rules. On the plus side, your rules will instruct exactly what arara
has to do for you. Sadly, I can’t cover all the terminology and syntax here – it’s a humble paper, not a full book – so I kindly suggest you to take a look in the arara
user guide.
First of all, let’s create a rule for processing .tex
files with pdflatex
. The pdflatex
rule is presented in Code 4.1. All plain rules have the .yaml
!config identifier: pdflatex name: PDFLaTeX command: 'pdflatex @{ action == "" ? "--interaction=nonstopmode" : "--interaction=@{action}" } @{shell} @{file}.tex' arguments: - identifier: action flag: '@{value}' - identifier: shell flag: '@{ value.toLowerCase() == "yes" || value.toLowerCase() == "true" || value.toLowerCase() == "on" ? "--shell-escape" : "--no-shell-escape" }'
Code 4.1 The pdflatex.yaml
The pdflatex
rule (Code 4.1) is very simple: it will run pdflatex
on the current file (unless of course you override the file value by using files: [...]
in the directive). There are two possible parameters to the command: an action, which will define in which interaction mode pdflatex
should run (if not set, the default value relies on nonstopmode), and shell, which expects a boolean value, in order to enable or disable the shell-escape
mode. Note that the boolean value can be true/false, on/off, and yes/no, regardless of the capitalization.
The next rules to be created are latex
(Code 4.2), dvips
(Code 4.3), and ps2pdf
(Code 4.4). These rules are simplified for this paper; feel free to write more robust rules for your arara
!config identifier: latex name: LaTeX command: 'latex @{ action == "" ? "--interaction=nonstopmode" : "--interaction=@{action}" } @{shell} @{file}.tex' arguments: - identifier: action flag: '@{value}' - identifier: shell flag: '@{ value.toLowerCase() == "yes" || value.toLowerCase() == "true" || value.toLowerCase() == "on" ? "--shell-escape" : "--no-shell-escape" }'
Code 4.2 The latex.yaml
!config identifier: dvips name: DVIPS command: 'dvips @{file}.dvi' arguments: []
Code 4.3 The dvips.yaml
!config identifier: ps2pdf name: PS2PDF command: 'ps2pdf @{file}.ps' arguments: []
Code 4.4 The ps2pdf.yaml
Those rules are very simple. The latex rule acts just like pdflatex
, with the very same parameters; both dvips
and ps2pdf
rules have no parameters.
Now it’s time for us to create a gnuplot
rule. The gnuplot
command is very straightforward and doesn’t require a complicated setup. We can safely create the rule presented in Code 4.5.
!config identifier: gnuplot name: GNUPlot command: 'gnuplot @{file}' arguments: []
Code 4.5 The gnuplot.yaml
The effectiveness of the rules will be seen when we call them from the arara
directives within the .tex
document. For now, make sure these rules are saved in $ARARA_HOME/rules/plain
(where $ARARA_HOME$
is the directory where you deployed arara
). Now that we have the bird seeds, let’s give them to arara
Back to the examples
Now that we have five arara
rules, we can revisit our examples and slightly modify them. In fact, only the third example (Code 3.5) will need an actual modification; the other two will only require the arara
A directive is a special comment in the .tex
file which will tell arara
how it should execute a certain task. A directive can have as many parameters as its corresponding rule has. You can insert as many directives as you want, and in any position of the .tex
file; arara
will read the whole file and extract the directives accordingly. A directive should be placed in a line of its own, in the form % arara: <directive>
. Directives are always mapped to rules.
First of all, let’s run arara
without any parameters (Code 5.1). While writing this paper, I used the 2.0RC1 version of arara
. I hope to make it final and release it in a few days.
$ arara __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` | | (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| | \__,_|_| \__,_|_| \__,_| Arara 2.0RC1 - The cool TeX automation tool Copyright (c) 2012, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda All rights reserved. usage: arara [ file [ --log ] [ --verbose ] [ --timeout N ] | --help | --version ] -h,--help print the help message -l,--log generate a log output -t,--timeoutset the execution timeout (in milliseconds) -v,--verbose print the command output -V,--version print the application version
Code 5.1 Running arara
in the terminal.
By default, arara
will run in silent mode, displaying only the status of the current task. Please note that if any command requires user input, arara
will interrupt it, since it’s running in silent mode. If you want to see the whole execution process, including interacting in a possible user input, use the --verbose
You might ask how arara
knows if the command was successfully executed. The idea is quite simple: good programs like pdflatex
make use of a concept known as exit status. In short, when a program had a normal execution, the exit status is zero. Other values are returned when an abnormal execution happened. When pdflatex
successfully compiles a .tex
file, it returns zero, so arara
intercepts this number. Again, it’s a good practice to make command line applications return a proper exit status according to the execution flow, but beware: you might find applications or shell commands that don’t feature this control (in the worst case, the returned value is always zero).
Back to our examples, let’s see how our first attempt (Code 3.1) is rewritten with the proper arara
directives (Code 5.2). The execution is presented in Code 5.3.
% arara: pdflatex: { shell: on } \documentclass{article} \usepackage{gnuplottex} \begin{document} \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pdf] set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{gnuplot} \end{document}
Code 5.2 Our first example with gnuplottex
using the arara
$ arara mydoc __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` | | (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| | \__,_|_| \__,_|_| \__,_| Running PDFLaTeX... SUCCESS
Code 5.3 Our first example compiled with arara
The .pdf
file is correctly generated. A big advantage of using arara
is that you define the compilation worflow in your source code, not in the terminal. If you are able to write platform-independent rules – like the ones we wrote in this paper – you can run the .tex
file with arara
under Windows and obtain the very same result. Of course, in this particular case, gnuplot
is a requirement in the underlying operating system; arara
will issue an error if the command is not found. Now let’s try our second attempt (Code 3.3) rewritten with the proper arara
directives (Code 5.4). The execution is presented in Code 5.5.
% arara: latex: { shell: on } % arara: dvips % arara: ps2pdf \documentclass{article} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{gnuplottex} \begin{document} \begin{gnuplot}[terminal=pstricks] set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{gnuplot} \end{document}
Code 5.4 Our second example with PSTricks using the arara
$ arara mydoc __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` | | (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| | \__,_|_| \__,_|_| \__,_| Running LaTeX... SUCCESS Running DVIPS... SUCCESS Running PS2PDF... SUCCESS
Code 5.5 Our second example compiled with arara
As we can easily see in the Code 5.5, arara
does the latex
-> dvips
-> ps2pdf
compilation chain for us. We just needed to provide the needed commands in the form of arara
directives and nothing else. Note that the shell: on
option in the latex
directive (line 1) means that shell-escape
should be enabled for latex
in that specific step. For our third attempt (Code 3.4), we require a modification in the new code (Code 5.6). arara
starts the compilation process by running pdflatex
(line 1), but now there’s no call to gnuplot
like we did in the original example; gnuplot
is executed in the next step (line 2), processing the file defined in the files: [ myplot.gnu ]
directive option. Because of this workflow, we added a conditional to our code in order to check if the proper .pdf
already exists (line 8). This verification ensures that pdflatex
won’t raise any errors in the first run (line 1), and that the plot will be included when pdflatex
is called the second time (line 3). At the end of the arara
execution, we’ll have our .pdf
file correctly generated (Code 5.7).
% arara: pdflatex % arara: gnuplot: { files: [ myplot.gnu ] } % arara: pdflatex \begin{filecontents*}{myplot.gnu} set terminal pdf set output 'myplot3.pdf' set key inside left top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitles box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set samples 400, 400 plot [-10:10] real(sin(x)**besj0(x)) \end{filecontents*} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \IfFileExists{myplot.pdf}{\includegraphics{myplot}}{Moo.} \end{document}
Code 5.6 Our third example calling gnuplot
using the arara
$ arara mydoc __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ __ _ / _` | '__/ _` | '__/ _` | | (_| | | | (_| | | | (_| | \__,_|_| \__,_|_| \__,_| Running PDFLaTeX... SUCCESS Running GNUPlot... SUCCESS Running PDFLaTeX... SUCCESS
Code 5.7 Our third example compiled with arara
Final remarks
is a powerful tool to create beautiful plots with a very clean syntax. It’s a viable option for articles and reports and a lightweight choice if you are not acquainted with TikZ/pgf or PSTricks. And maybe arara
might help its use, making the whole process easier and more straightforward.
can be used in complex workflows, like theses and books. You can tell arara
to compile the document, generate indices and apply styles, remove temporary files, compile other .tex
documents, run MetaPost or MetaFont, create glossaries, call pdfcrop
, gnuplot
, move files, and much more. It’s up to you.
My humble software is available as an opensource project; contributions, suggestions, and even criticism are surely welcome. I really hope arara
can enhance your TeX experience.
I’d like to thank all my friends from the community for helping me with my project. A special thanks goes to Marco Daniel for his contributions to arara
There’s also another motivation of the name arara
: the chatroom residents of – including myself – are fans of palindromes, especially palindromic numbers. As you can already tell, arara
is a palindrome.