For a lecture on Python I have been looking for a way to create bilingual slides in a single document. Based on and I have compiled the following example.
One simply needs to set the babel language in the document options to switch between German and English.
\documentclass[ngerman]{beamer} \usepackage{comment} \makeatletter \newif\if@ngerman \newif\if@option@ngerman \DeclareOption{ngerman}{% \@ngermantrue \@option@ngermantrue } \ProcessOptions*\relax \newcommand*{\ifngerman}{% \if@ngerman \expandafter\@firstoftwo \else \expandafter\@secondoftwo \fi } \makeatother \ifngerman{ \usepackage[main=ngerman]{babel} \includecomment{DE} \excludecomment{EN} }{ \usepackage[main=english]{babel} \includecomment{EN} \excludecomment{DE} } \begin{document} \begin{DE} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Hallo Welt} Hallo Welt \end{frame} \end{DE} \begin{EN} \begin{frame}[fragile]{Hello World} Hello World \end{frame} \end{EN} \end{document}
Photo by Alex Litvin on Unsplash