About LaTeX.net

On LaTeX-Community.org, founded January 2007, many authors published articles about LaTeX and related tools. The site has been renamed to LaTeX.net. The accompanying forum is LaTeX.org.

All of the servers and web sites here are supported by DANTE e.V., the German speaking TeX user group. For several years now, DANTE covered the provider and hardware costs for two professional servers that have enough resources to run various virtual machines for different purposes. The maintainer of the servers is Stefan Kottwitz.

This is what runs on this DANTE supported hardware:


LaTeX.orgInternational forum with 99805 posts in 25480 topics by 18977 users
TeXwelt.deGerman Q&A forum with 3795 questions and 4213 answers
goLaTeX.deGerman forum with 111317 posts in 21774 topics by 8976 users
Plus German wiki with command reference: golatex.de/wiki
TeXnique.frFrench Q&A forum with 1349 questions and 1737 answers


TeXample.netTikZ gallery with community blog aggregator, with 407 examples of 190 authors
TikZ.netTikZ gallery with focus on physics, 1220 pictures in 510 documents with full code
TikZ.orgGallery of over 100 code examples from the book “LaTeX Graphics with TikZ” and additional info
TikZ.jpJapanese book website
TikZ.frFrench TikZ site with focus on the tkz bundle
asymp.netAsymptote examples
FeynM.netFeynman diagrams in LaTeX
pgfplots.netPGFPlots gallery
LaTeX-Cookbook.netA gallery of chosen examples of the LaTeX Cookbook, re-using the same framework as above sites
LaTeXguide.orgCode and additions to the LaTeX Beginner’s Guide
LaTeX.netThis article database
TeX.worldA showcase of TeX sites

Software Archives and Mirrors

CTAN.netOfficial CTAN mirror
TeXlive.deOther TeX Live mirror (in maintainance, pointing to CTAN.net)


TeXfragen.deGerman TeX FAQ
texfaq.orgInternational TeX FAQ, moved to Github now
www.tex.ac.ukOriginal UK TeX FAQ, moved to Github now
LaTeX.net.brBrazilian Portuguese TeX FAQ


tex-talk.netStackExchange TeX blog with a lot of Interviews of TeX friends
texblog.netStefan’s TeX blog since 2008
tex.tipsQuick mini TeX tips blog
mychemistry.euClemen’s chemistry TeX blog
tikz.deGerman TikZ friends blog
tex.myMalaysian TeX Users Group site, authored by Lian Tze
TeX.coGerman TeX blog


TeXlive.netTeX Live online compiler (for LearnLaTeX.org, forums, and blogs)
TeXdoc.netDwoo/XLST powered TeXdoc web interface, now moved to TeXdoc.org
TeXdoc.orgTeXdoc web interface based on the Island of TeX docker container
LaTeX2e.orgLaTeX2e unofficial reference manual, mirror of latexref.xyz

Photo by Taylor Vick on Unsplash